Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Here you can find posts about senior sessions, engagements, and weddings I've done recently, as well as educational content for up and coming photogs! Occasionally I will also write about what I have been up to, in case you want to know more about the girl behind the camera!
Looking for some tips on how to get camera-ready makeup for your photo session? Look no further! After years of capturing portraits, I know what looks best in camera. I can help you with what to do, or more importantly, what not to do! While I always suggest that my clients invest in professional hair […]
September 10, 2020
Recently I have been working with a lot of ballet and modern dancers! There is something in the air lately that has made everyone want to book a dance session, and I’m not upset about it one bit! If you’ve been following along for a while, you know that I used to dance. Because of […]
August 14, 2019
Summertime dance sessions have been filling my calendar lately, and I couldn’t be more happy about it! As a former dancer myself, these dance sessions are one of my favorite things that I offer. They are the perfect way to keep dance in my life now that I’m older and no longer taking classes. These […]
July 17, 2019
Recently I had a session with one of my favorite dancers, Brielle Letendre! Brielle is an extremely talented 15 year old who I have worked with before, and I absolutely love our time together each time I see her. Her passion for dance is unparalleled, and she is always willing to try the unexpected. When […]
March 28, 2019
Hello my faithful readers! Let me address the elephant in the room, I am the WORST at blog posts! I know it, and I’m sorry! Now that school is coming to an end and business is picking up, I’ll have more to blog about! Hopefully finals won’t keep me too busy, we’ll see… Anyway, this […]
July 17, 2018